These moments of life are precious and beautiful
Life is a wish come true , Granted by God
Which is to be lived happily ,while thanking him….
What Did we bring and what are we going to take up with us
We never know….what will happen next… one knows…
Its sometimes colourful and sometimes colourless
There by making us laugh and cry at times………
Things goes wrong and are ment too.
Keeping on teaching every one something…
Its a bride full of hopes and desires
That’s not to be wasted in loneliness
Raising dreams in your eyes
Flying kites studded with expectations
Blended with emotions , energized with miracles…….
It is lived all drowned ,lost , awakened in these small spices ….
These moments of life are precious and beautiful
Not to be lost off unreasonably…….
Lets live our life like never lived before…………